Achieve your higher education goals—for yourself and your family
Estimate what new or refinanced student loan payments could look like with a private college loan.
Create your own customized, private student loan that fits your budget. Get help paying for college expenses that financial aid may not fully cover. Plus, as an NEA member, you’ll receive an exclusive 0.25% interest rate discount.
Create your own customized, private student loan for masters expenses that fits your budget. Get help paying for postgraduate expenses that financial aid may not fully cover. Plus, as an NEA member, you’ll receive an exclusive 0.25% interest rate discount.
Use the strength of your credit to secure college funding for your child with a customized private parent loan for college that you control. As an NEA member, you’ll receive an exclusive 0.25% interest rate discount.
Choose repayment options that fit your timeline and budget. You can lower the interest rate or your monthly student loan payment, plus NEA members can get a special one-time credit.
*Refinancing or consolidating private and federal student loans may not be the right decision for everyone. Benefits that exist with federal loans (such as public service forgiveness and income-based repayment plans) could be forfeited if you consolidate them into a private loan.
If you’re not sure, first check your federal student loan forgiveness eligibility status with the NEA Student Loan Forgiveness Navigator tool.