Start saving for retirement with flexible 403(b) options designed for educators. Discover tax-advantaged ways to invest in your future and secure long-term financial stability.
Created with educators in mind, 403(b) contributions can be deducted from your paycheck, giving you a steady path to retirement savings.
Contribution limits for 403(b) accounts are on par with 401(k) contribution limits and much higher than IRA contribution limits, making 403(b) plans a good choice for supplementing a pension plan.
Depending on your plan, you may choose to pay taxes when you contribute to your savings or when you withdraw after retirement.
If you change jobs, your 403(b) can be carried into a new district or rolled into an IRA or 401(k) (if offered by your new employer).
Choose whether you want to work with a financial professional or enroll in a self-guided retirement plan. Your information will be shared with our partner Security Benefit to make enrollment easier for you.
Confirm your information and your earlier choices. Then, choose whether you would like to enroll in a 403(b) plan or an IRA. If you choose to work with a financial professional, Security Benefit will connect you with a NEA Retirement Specialist in your area.
After all your online forms are complete, you’ll need to establish contributions into your new account. You can also rollover or consolidate accounts. If you choose to work with a financial professional, you’ll set up an account with that NEA Retirement Specialist.
Marketing services in respect of InvestMyself 403(b) | IRA are provided by Security Distributors, LLC. Security Benefit executes all fund transactions through Matrix Settlement and Clearance Services, LLC (MSCS) omnibus arrangement.
The NEA Retirement Program (“NEA Program”) provides investment products for retirement plans sponsored by school districts and other employers of NEA members and individual retirement accounts established by NEA members. Security Distributors and certain of its affiliates (collectively, “Security Benefit”) make these products available to plans and accounts pursuant to an agreement with NEA Member Benefits (“MB”), which markets the NEA Program. Security Benefit has the exclusive right to offer the products directly or through other authorized broker/dealers, and MB in marketing the NEA Program generally may not enter into arrangements with other providers of similar investment programs or otherwise promote to NEA members or their employees any investment products that compete with the NEA Program products. Security Benefit pays an annual fee to MB under the agreement. You may wish to take into account this agreement and arrangement when considering and evaluating any communications relating to NEA Retirement products.
NEA and MB are not affiliated with Security Benefit. Neither NEA nor MB is a registered broker/dealer. All securities brokerage services are performed exclusively by your sales representative’s broker/dealer and not by NEA or MB.
NEA Retirement Specialists, when making recommendations to an NEA member, offer only Security Benefit products.
Security Benefit pays an annual fee to NEA MB for the exclusive right to offer the products in the NEA Retirement Program and to provide marketing, advisory, fiduciary, and other services to NEA Members and for the NEA Retirement Program. In 2023 the annual fee amounted to approximately $4 million. Receipt of the annual fee creates a potential conflict of interest and gives NEA MB an incentive to partner with Security Benefit to make the Program available to NEA Members. To address this conflict, NEA MB conducts on-going due diligence on Security Benefit to ensure that NEA Members benefit from the products and services offered by Security Benefit. NEA MB also discloses this relationship to NEA members in educational, marketing, and promotional materials. You may wish to consider this arrangement and any possible conflict of interest when considering and evaluating any communications or recommendations relating to NEA Retirement products.