Secure Your Future with NEA Retirement Solutions

Explore flexible retirement options and trusted resources designed to help NEA members build a comfortable and confident future. Start planning today for a retirement that works for you.


Choose Your Approach

Would you like to manage your retirement planning yourself or hire a financial professional to assist you?

You’re in Control

Choose investments and create your own portfolio to take advantage of a lower cost profile. We’ve curated clear online tools and guidance to help you set up, monitor, and manage your savings.

Learn about available options
Professional Planning

Partner with an NEA Retirement Specialist who will work with you to design and manage a retirement savings program. NEA Retirement Specialists understand your district and state pension programs and can develop a savings program that meets your unique needs.

Learn about available options
You’re in Control

Choose investments and create your own portfolio to take advantage of a lower cost profile. We’ve curated clear online tools and guidance to help you set up, monitor, and manage your savings.

Learn about available options
Professional Planning

Partner with an NEA Retirement Specialist who will work with you to design and manage a retirement savings program. NEA Retirement Specialists understand your district and state pension programs and can develop a savings program that meets your unique needs.

Learn about available options
The NEA Retirement Program is trusted by educators
We are proud to partner with Security Benefit as the provider of our NEA Retirement Program. Security Benefit has a long track record of helping educators achieve their retirement goals.
of experience and insight for building financial futures
of partnership with NEA Member Benefits, with over 3 million members

Don’t wait to invest in your future

Children learning in a classroom
Even a little can do a lot

Understanding how much more your money can do for you over time (called compound returns) is key to unlocking your retirement goals.

It’s never too early, or too late, to start

To the question, “When should I start saving for retirement?” The answer is always a resounding, “Now!” Even if you can only set aside a little bit each month, you’ll be glad you did as you get closer and closer to retirement.

Ready to get started?
Start Planning Now


If you have questions, please call Security Benefit at 1-800-632-8258


Important Disclosure and Performance Information for the NEA Retirement Program


Monitor Reports – Performance Information
January 2025
December 2024
November 2024

Form ADV – Includes Conflict of Interest Disclosures
November 2023 ADV – Part 1
November 2023 ADV – Part 2A



NEA Advocacy

We are pleased to announce the full repeal of the Government Pension Offset (GPO) and the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) through the Social Security Fairness Act signed January 5, 2025. The NEA has worked tirelessly to ensure that all educators have fair and equitable access to their Social Security by advocating for this change.
More details on this landmark victory can be found here:

Marketing services in respect of InvestMyself 403(b) | IRA are provided by Security Distributors, LLC. Security Benefit executes all fund transactions through Matrix Settlement and Clearance Services, LLC (MSCS) omnibus arrangement.

The NEA Retirement Program (“NEA Program”) provides investment products for retirement plans sponsored by school districts and other employers of NEA members and individual retirement accounts established by NEA members. Security Distributors and certain of its affiliates (collectively, “Security Benefit”) make these products available to plans and accounts pursuant to an agreement with NEA Member Benefits (“MB”), which markets the NEA Program. Security Benefit has the exclusive right to offer the products directly or through other authorized broker/dealers, and MB in marketing the NEA Program generally may not enter into arrangements with other providers of similar investment programs or otherwise promote to NEA members or their employees any investment products that compete with the NEA Program products. Security Benefit pays an annual fee to MB under the agreement. You may wish to take into account this agreement and arrangement when considering and evaluating any communications relating to NEA Retirement products.

NEA and MB are not affiliated with Security Benefit. Neither NEA nor MB is a registered broker/dealer. All securities brokerage services are performed exclusively by your sales representative’s broker/dealer and not by NEA or MB.

NEA Retirement Specialists, when making recommendations to an NEA member, offer only Security Benefit products.

Security Benefit pays an annual fee to NEA MB for the exclusive right to offer the products in the NEA Retirement Program and to provide marketing, advisory, fiduciary, and other services to NEA Members and for the NEA Retirement Program. In 2023 the annual fee amounted to approximately $4 million. Receipt of the annual fee creates a potential conflict of interest and gives NEA MB an incentive to partner with Security Benefit to make the Program available to NEA Members. To address this conflict, NEA MB conducts on-going due diligence on Security Benefit to ensure that NEA Members benefit from the products and services offered by Security Benefit. NEA MB also discloses this relationship to NEA members in educational, marketing, and promotional materials. You may wish to consider this arrangement and any possible conflict of interest when considering and evaluating any communications or recommendations relating to NEA Retirement products.