More Educators Are Finding Real Relief From Their Student Loan Debt

See how much NEA members are shaving off their student loan debt repayments by using the NEA Student Debt Navigator.

Illustration of two graduates with price tags hanging from their graduation caps

by NEA Member Benefits

Since spring 2019, NEA Member Benefits and Savi have partnered to help NEA members who are currently paying off student loans. Through special access to this comprehensive student loan repayment calculator, NEA members can easily find out how much of their student loan debt can be forgiven as well as how much they can reduce off their monthly repayments.

As of February 2025, more than 50,000 NEA members already have run their numbers through the student loan debt tool. The chart below shows the real relief NEA members are finding!

Run your numbers today and see what you might be able to save through repayment and forgiveness plans based on your current situation.

Illustration of two graduates with price tags hanging from their graduation caps

More NEA Members Are Finding Student Loan Debt Relief

As of February 2025, more than 50,000 NEA members have reduced or eliminated their student loan debt obligations with help from the NEA Student Debt Navigator tool. Here’s a look at the numbers:



The total amount of student loan debt eligible for forgiveness


The average amount of student loan debt forgiven


The total annual projected savings on student debt repayments


The average annual savings on student debt repayments

Get help sorting out your student loan debt options